Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Trip to the Woods-July 3rd

Brett and I decided to take the kids on a trip to the woods. We got in Ruby, Brett's 70-something Bronco. We had a picnic packed, and we were ready to go. We stopped out on a dirt road and decided to let the kids shoot Brett's pistol. They were pretty excited. Of course, Brett helped them all.

Liv only did one shot, however, in that one shot, she hit the target! I think we have another Annie Oakley on our hands. Once she did it once, she was content to not do it again.

When she was done shooting, she decided to sit down and play in the dirt and look for bugs.

Josey and I

To say Jake was thrilled is an understatement. He did a pretty good job, his first time out.

Josey shot like a pro!

Jakey and I.

So, when we decided to leave this spot and move on further, Ruby wouldn't start. This happens from time to time (and happened on one of Brett and my first times in the woods lol) Josey was panicked. I told her not to worry-we had cell service and Brett knew where we were. Well, we finally got her going again. Josey was insistent on going home, where the rest of us wanted to keep going. So, onward we went....Until we broke down again. And not only did we break down again, but Ruby caught first a few times. While Brett was working on Ruby, Liv decided to get out of the car and play. She and Josey found a dead bird and proceeded to poke at the bird with sticks (ummm, gross). Then Jake and Liv went off into the meadow we were lucky enough to be broken down by and played. All and all, I thought it was a pretty good trip (besides the breaking down lol) Brett's parents were coming out to bring us a part (again, thank you Verizon for such good coverage) but we ended up getting her going. We met them on the road and Josey decided to go with them. I think she'd had enough of Ruby lol.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

July 2nd-YES! It's FINALLY Warm Enough...

It was such a long, cold winter. The Spring also extended into summer. It FINALLY got warm enough to where the kids could get their swimsuits on and get in the sprinkler. I caught them all sunbathing (and being quiet at the same time!!!)

July 1st-Please, do not chew on your toes....

Jake stubbed his toes. Well, he was stuck in his room to clean it. Instead of cleaning, he started picking at his boo boos on his toes, then, he started biting his toe nails, and then, his boo boos, till they were bleeding badly. I had nothing to keep his bandaids on his toes (because the sores were in such an awkward place), so I brought out the duct tape. Sadly enough, I only had purple. Gotta do what you gotta do....

June 30th-Yet again I say, this is what I get when I leave the 13yr old and 4 yr old alone...

I made the mistake of leaving the girls home, alone, for 45 minutes. I came back to Liv having masara on her eyes, and somehow, on her lips *sigh*

June 29th-New Room, New Bed for Liv!

Josey moved in, so we decided that everyone should have their own room. Josey had a kiddie loft bed that she wasn't using, so we gave it to Liv so she'd had more room in her bedroom for her stuff (since she has the smallest room in the house) Liv was beyond thrilled to move into her own room, and have her new bed. She fell right asleep =) Josey, of course, had to jump in on the picture.

June 28th...

Jake fell asleep one night, but woke up at 11pm. He apparently stayed awake all night. He kept coming into my room (once at 3am, once at 5am) "I'm still awake, Mom!!!" then ran back to his room. He stayed up all day. I would've thought he would've crashed and took a nap, but no. So, I told him he had to go to bed earlier than normal. He argued with me and swore he wasn't tired. 5 minutes after he went to bed, I came around the corner to check on him because it was quiet, and this is what I saw:

June 26-Missing Scooter...

So, Jake kept leaving his scooter outside instead of putting it away. So, we decided to hide it to see what he'd do. First, he attempted to blame the neighbor kids. Then, I came out and found this note he'd written. It says "Missing Razor Scooter. Reward (and I can't make out the word below) then House 156 (note, our house # isn't 156 lol). We finally gave it back to him, and he promptly left it out again *sigh*.

June 23-The New Al Capone....

I seriously think this is the best picture from the summer. I had a bunch of clothes given to me to give to the local consignment shop in town. The kids were all outside, playing. Jake and Liv apparently got into the clothes. I came outside to check on them, and this is what I saw: Jake, dressed in shorts, sandels, this coat with fur trim, and a gun. He said he was the "tickle" monster. God love him-he's a trip!

June 22-Jake rode his first carnival ride!

I finally got Jake to ride a real carnival ride. I think I was more nervous than him. I was so fearful he'd freak out and cry. He had so much fun. I couldn't believe it! Of course, he was with Casey =)

Jake and Casey are in the middle. Jake is holding on for dear life, but I could hear screams of joy coming out of his mouth. Music to my ears =)

June 20th...I leave my phone for one minute...

And this is what I get...I took the girls with me when I went to the track. Apparently my phone was accosted...

June 19th-4 Wheelin'

Josey took Jake for a ride on the 4 wheeler. Liv couldn't because she had no helmet. There's no way I'd let her ride without one. She DID want to pose on the 4 wheeler with Josey, though.

Josey took Jake for a ride. Nice face, Josey...

June 18th-Sleeping Angel...

Liv was wired tonight. She wouldn't go to sleep for anything. She came into my room, begging to cuddle. I said fine. 5 minutes later, she was sound asleep. My beautiful baby girl...

June 16 - Basketball Camp!

Jake had basketball camp the week of June 13th. He had a great time learning some new "hoop" moves.

This is Jake's little girlfriend. He was infatuated with her the whole time lol.

June 8th-I had no idea Go-Gos had so much power...

I'm totally amazed...Did you know these 2 little go gos have the ability to squeeze this tube of toothpaste all over the counter? (I cleaned most of it up before I took this picture). Liv came knocking on my bathroom door this am, naked, telling me she needed to change her jammies because she had toothpaste all over it. When I asked why they had toothpaste all over, she said it wasn't her or Jake, but the go-gos. Ummm...then why do YOU have toothpaste all over your clothes? She told me it wa s because she was trying to clean it up. Yeah, I bet...

June 5 - Help! I've Fallen and I can't get UP!

So, Jake yelled out to me. I told him, "In a minute." Liv comes flying out of his room, yelling, "Jake got hurt! He thinks he's DYING!" So, I go in the room, and this is what I see. Not sure exactly what happened, since I never got a straight answer, however, I CAN tell you that no kid was hurt in the making of this picture. The funniest part? As Jake is being a drama King, Liv was able to lift the door off him. He SAYS a tote fell, hit the door, and the door fell on him. What I suspect is, he was messing with it, and it fell on him. THAT sounds more like the truth...

June 4th. Celebrating Jakey's 9th Birthday!

We always have to celebrate Jake's birthday AFTER that fact, because his birthday always falls Memorial Day weekend. In normal fashion, Jake requested to go to Sun Mountain Fun Center. He took his buddy, Casey. They had a great time!

Jake, smiling, at the bowling alley portion of SMFC.

Show em how it's done, Jake!

Jake and Casey, pro bowlers.

And pro-golfers...

The boys, all wore out from too much activity.

June 3rd-Never a Dull Moment...

Jake came out of the bathroom, towel in hand, wanting me to wrap his head in the towel like I always do. It looks so funny on his head. And, for some reason, this boy has an adversion to shirts. He takes them off when he's in the house.