Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 25th-A Trip to High Desert Musuem

Finally! Everyone was feeling good so we were able to get out of the house and head to the HD Musuem. It was the last day for the live butterfly exhibit. Liv was DYING to go. They have a rock play room that really, I think the kids could spend all day in. I think the only thing that got them away from this room was the live butterflies! The bear is eating your head Liv! Why aren't you scared?
Ok, so Liv isn't looking. Jake is, but he looks "stepford" lol.
He's just getting too big!
I had fun taking pics of the butterflies. I got some good shots!
I love the colors of this butterfly.

Jake, attempting to stare down the butterfly. He wanted them to land on him, but when one did, he freaked. That was the end of that.

She was in HEAVEN!
Smile, beautiful!
Jake, peeking out from behind the rocks.

And one landed on me...

March 2oth-And Josey has the camera again...

I think, this time, she had her own camera though. I was just lucky enough that she used my program to download the pics lol. Josey and Jake always take funny pics... Jake being, well...Jake...

No, I'm not goosing Josey LOL
Josey fixed this one up with her photo program. Love those blondies!

March 18th-Celebrating Brett's Birthday, 10 days late...

We ended up celebrating Brett's birthday with just the 4 of us. We were supposed to celebrate 2 other times, but due to sickness, we had to cancel. This 3rd time, we thought we were in the clear, when Jake got a fever. Brett finally said, just make the cake lol. So, happy 33rd birthday, honey!

March 17th-Having Fun Bowling

Jake was invited to his friend Dillon's 9th birthday party. Liv was invited, too. They had a blast. After pizza & cake, we all went bowling. Sadly, I didn't realize Jake was getting sick (he ended up being sick all of Spring Break, yet again-poor kid). Jake, throwing the ball like a pro (it's all the practice with Daddy)
Liv rolling the ball like every other 4 year old would lol

And I found this amusing. She was getting hot, so she pulled up her shirt to get air. She's so funny.

March 10th-Portrait of a sick little girl =(

So, as I was getting over some weird virus, Liv stayed at Mom's so I could rest. She got home, and was complaining of a headache and had a fever. I started to freak out a little because Crook County has a small outbreak of meningitis, and the fact that she only had a headache and fever worried me. So, the next day, I took her to the drs. By this time, she still had a fever, bad headache, and cough. The drs office refused to give me any antibiotics until she'd have a fever for at least 4 days. I know my children and I told the dr, we will be back Saturday, and I was right-At this point, the poor kid had pneumonia =( Poor kid's nose started running so much, she fell asleep with the kleenex box next to her. She also took to carrying around her garbage can so she could throw away her kleenex (this, of course, DID NOT stop her from wiping her nose on the nurse's bare arm when we went back to the drs on Saturday. I think this was her way of paying them back by not giving her meds on Thursday when we went in LOL)

This was when I had to wake her to go pick up Jake @ school =( She was miserable.

Saturday night-Look at her poor nose! At this point, we had our first dose of antibiotics and we were snuggling down, watching Mega Mind.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 8th-Boys and Their Cars....

Brett bought he and Jake model cars to do. Jake got his own 1955 Ford Pickup, while Brett got a 1991 Pontiac Firebird. They're having a good time putting them together, though, with all the sickness going on in this house, there hasn't been much "build" time. Oh, and incidently, today was Brett's 33rd Birthday. Because I was getting over cooties (and come to find out later) Liv was GETTING cooties, we had to put off his birthday celebration.

March 5th-This is what happens...

when you don't listen and decide to sit on top of your loft bed railing the wrong way. You accidently lean too far forward and fall off, scrapping your hinney and gashing your leg on your book shelf. Funny thing? I haven't seen Jake sit wrong on it since! Imagine that!

March 4th-Holy Stripes, Batman!

Liv wanted to wear a dress one day and picked her favorite stripe dress. It's sooooo last season (said in a snobby voice lol) I'm surprised the length wasn't too short for her. I was digging in her drawer to find some tights when she pulled out these striped ones. At first, I said no. She begged. We had to go out in public and I was against her looking like someone puked stripes on her, but alas, I figured she can only get away with doing this stuff now. This is cute @ 4. Not so cute @ 14.

March 3rd-Basketball Ends With a BANG!

Basketball season ended well. Had a few bumps in the middle (someone burping in other kid's faces *ahem* Jake) Really, it's just basketball thru Parks N Rec. It's just practice till they get to High School. It's good for him to learn skills now, so when H.S. comes, he'll be ready!