Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15th-Part 2- When Finger Painting Goes Bad...

Jake started off by wanting to make a craft. It was innocent enough...glue, cutting paper, glitter glue, etc. Then, Liv got into it and created a craft. All is good, right? Jake apparently found the paints. He got his easel out, and wanted to use them, so I let him. We moved the easel to the dining room, and I let him go to town. Everything is still good...I started cooking dinner, and Jake and Liv decided to stick their fingers in the paint. I advised them it would be a good idea if they went and washed them. They did, but then came back and did it again, this time, all the way up their fingers. I was internally trying not to get pissed, knowing they needed to get alittle piss and vinegar out, so I said what the heck (yes, the biggest mistake I've made all day) and got out a large piece of paper and said, why don't you just get out what you have on your fingers onto the paper, then you can go wash your hands. Everything was going great, until Brett asked me to watch the TV because it was fuzzy and he was going to fix it. While sitting in the room, waiting for him to call, the kids were apparently going to town. By the time I came out of the bedroom, they not only had paint on themselves, but on their clothes, face, etc. And because I was so stunned at this, I yelled for Liv to go wash her hands. BIG MISTAKE. After sending her off to the bathroom, I then realized she had paint on her feet, and she'd made pretty little footsteps, ON THE CARPET, to the bathroom. At this point, Liv is trying to wash her hands, there's paint on the door, on the light switch, the counter and I am just spinning. Jake LITERALLY has paint up past his wrists (Thank you, Liv, for rubbing that in for him-I appreciate it) I said screw it, and told them both to strip. I put Liv in the shower, and was washing her up. I then hear Jake giggling. It's NEVER good if you hear Jake's cackle. You know he's done something that you probably don't want to see. I turn around, and Jake's eyes are wide, which means he's done something wrong. All the sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I catch green. Where, might you ask, did I see this green?? ON HIS PENIS! Yep, he took the green paint off his hands and decided his twig and berries needed to be painted. He then says, the paint is green. I'm just trying to camouflage it. Really, Jake? REALLY??? Seriously, I can't make this crap up. So, I said, you may as well paint your whole body while you're waiting, since you have to get in the shower anyway. He loved that lol.

So, after getting both kids cleaned up, I sent them both to their rooms. I figured that was the safest place for them to be, at that moment. Thankfully Brett had a steam cleaner, so he took care of the road to the bathroom, while I cleaned the dining room floor. Even though Jake's been washed head to toe, I swear that boy still looks green. starts off innocent enough, doesn't it???

Working on his "dragon".

Oh, holy Mary, mother of God...

Notice, she has paint on her feet? I missed that the first time around...

Camo boy...
And in case you're wondering, yes, I threw the paints away...

Saturday, January 15 part 1-Singing in the Rain...

Today we had yet another rainy Central Oregon day. Weirdly, this has been the wettest winter I can remember since being here (you can take that with a grain of salt, because I've only been here 5.5 years lol) Seems like it's beautiful during the week, and overcast and crappy on the weekends. This am, I promised the kiddos they could go outside and play when we got home running errands. When we got home, they ran and got into their play clothes (I knew they'd be a disaster by the end since it'd been raining) As soon as they got out there, it started to sprinkle. The kids didn't want to come in, so I told them as long as it didn't start raining, they could stay out there. They made it almost an hour before it was time to come in.

I took this one from inside the house. She was digging in the dirt by the window =)

Jake, smiling handsomely, playing with his knife that he got out of his bow and arrow kit from the Dollar Tree.

At this point, the kids were making music lol. Well, what they thought was music. And well...Liv was just playing in the water. It was at this point I decided they needed to come in. Shower for both. Little did I know they would need another before they day was done...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13th-Give a Bored Girl Your Cell Phone...

And this is what you get...

Several pictures of Josey. Notice Liv's head popping up in the background. She was trying to get me to be in the pics, but I wasn't cooperating, so she gave up and decided to add Liv instead.

I actually took this. Jake was inside his therapy appt and we were ALL bored, waiting.

But while *I* was in with Jake, getting ready to meet up with the dr, weird things happen...

Like Liv attempting to drive the car. I am thankful that Josey had the forethought to turn the car off before Liv jumped in the driver's seat. Liv looks pretty serious, doesn't she?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11th-I Love You, Bath Turd!

Funny way to start off a post, but then again, I live on a funny farm, so it all makes sense. And, of course, what else makes sense? Starting off the year, talking about Jake. Ah, my sweet Jake. God love that little boy. Most days, I just want to hold him and never let him go, but oh, on those off days, I want to feed him to the lions. I think what gets me the most about Jake, is he's a lot like ME! I am still trying to understand how my mother got out with her facilities intact, so I can do the same. But I digress....

Josey received some letters for Christmas from the Dollar Tree that go on the wall. They are the cute ones all pre teens use to litter their walls with "I love you" and "Justin Bieber is hotttt". I'd like to think that they don't put things like, "My parents suck", but I'm sure it's out there (and I'm sure my children have thought that on more than one occasion). Josey decided that she would put "I Love You" on the wall, and tack pictures of her friends there. She got a couple up and was waiting for me to print more. Jake had other plans. Somehow, he was able to go in the room, get the letters, and write out "Bath Turd" under her "I Love You" letters without anyone knowing it. Josey went in the room to talk to Liv or something (who knows) and I followed her in there. We both turned at the same time and saw "bath turds" on the wall. I'm sorry, but I became an 8 year old boy at that moment and laughed like hell. Josey cracked a smile then realized, hmm, those are MY letters! Her 12 year old pre-teen-ness then kicked in and the yelling started. Now, if you read "Bath turd" as if you were a person with a lisp (thanks, Brook, for that anaolgy) you COULD read that as "bastard". I know I did when I first read it, which made it even more funny. I'm wondering if that's Jake's phonetic way of spelling the word. Yes, I use that word and no, I'm not sorry. My children know there are words they aren't to repeat. When they are an adult, if they choose to use such words, that's on them, BUT until then, they are not allowed to repeat them in this house without getting in trouble. That's the glory of being a parent.

So, I will do what every mother does-replace the letters with Jake's allowance (after all, he ruined hers, right??) and will sit and await the next adventure. Stay tuned...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2011!
This year should prove to be a great one. It's already proving to be a busy one! So, join in, follow the ride. You know it's never boring here!