Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Conversations with Liv...

So, I had the funniest conversations with Liv today. I think she does her best thinking in the bathroom, because it seems as if that's where the best conversations take place. Case in point, this am, the following conversation happened:

(from the bathroom)
Liv: Mom, does my waist hold my pee?
Me: No, your bladder does.
Liv: What's a bladder?
Me: a sac that your kidneys drain into that deposits urine.
Liv: Well, I know my stomach holds a baby.
Me: Well, no. Your uterus does.
Liv: What's a uterus?
Me: It's a sac that holds the baby
Liv: I'm confused.
Me: me, too Liv, me too

(again, from the bathroom, lunchtime)
Liv yelled from the bathroom, "Mom, did you know my stomach was all the way full, but now, since I'm pooping, I can finish my lunch because there'll be room now. Isn't that nice of my stomach?

(Still from the bathroom)
Liv: Mom, did you know Jesus is in your heart?
Me (trying to work) Yep.
Liv: Is he in your heart?
Me: Yep, he is.
Liv: Hmmm, I didn't know that. Is he in everyone's hearts?
Me: Only those who believe in Him.
Liv: Why would people not believe in Jesus?
Me: (damn her and her hard questions) I don't know sweetie, some believe in other things.
Liv: (thank GOD changed her train of thought) Well, I'm in pre-school now. Now I know a LOT about Jesus. I don't think they can teach me anymore cause I know it all. (spoken from a true child lol)

(In the car)
Liv: Mom, I'm going to start calling you Smiley Face.
Me: Why?
Liv: Cause you're always smiling. And you can call me happy because I'm always happy.

This was just today. I'm sure there was more. What a funny girl!

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