Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 8th - Well, at least it wasn't his hair this time...

So, one day we're in the car, on the way home from school, and Jake says from the backseat, "Mom, can I cut my eyebrows?" I said, "NO! Why do you want to cut them?" He replied something along the lines of, "Because they're too long" or something like that. I told him there was no reason for it, and I'd better not catch him doing it. Fast forward to the next day. It somehow came out that Jake HAD cut his eyebrow. Upon further investigation, it was deduced that he indeed had. I asked when it happened, to which he replied that he'd done it BEFORE he'd even asked me about it in the car. I was torn between being mad and internally cracking up because he tattles on himself constantly. I love that he does, but sometimes, some things are better left not said. I wouldn't have even noticed had he not said anything. He surely didn't get that from me, because it took a LOT for me to cough stuff up when I was little lol.

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