Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 10th - Prineville Follies

Every year, the CCCS sings a song or two in the Prineville Follies. Last year, Jake was at his father's, so he didn't get to participate. So, off we went this year. While we waited for Jake and the 4th-8th graders, we listened to some of Prineville's finest. Prineville has some real talent out there! Liv was in heaven. She sat, wiggling her hinney to the music, a smile from ear to ear. One of the 2nd graders sang "Jesus Loves Me" and Liv signed the WHOLE song while she sang. Thank you, Mrs Wendel, for teaching my children sign. That's just something you don't get anymore. Liv really loves it. I could tell Jake was nervous, because when their turn finally came up, he was wiping the sides of his mouth over and over and over and over (it's his nervous habit)

4th thru 8th (Josey was sick, so she wasn't there) and there's Jake, wiping his mouth lol

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