Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Legend of the Case of Bud Light...

So, Brett ended up buying a 24 case of Bud Light for a friend, who did something for him. It took us awhile to get it to him. In the meantime, this Bud Light found it's way around the house. It kept getting in my way, so I'd move it here and there. It became a running joke on Facebook because everyone would notice the Bud Light in the background on pictures I posted.

It started with Jake playing the Wii, while taking a treatment. Notice the Bud Light on the couch...

And sitting next to Jake while in Time Out...

Liv used it as a table, then left it in the middle of the room. Because the Bud light became such a legend, I took a picture of it "watching" Tv...

And then Liv decided to use it as a chair, while watching TV...

Jake found it handy to sit on while playing his DS...

We finally gave it to it's rightful owner. The legend's now been drank. That Bud Light had a good life, while it lasted...

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